Tag Archives: Phillipians

Peace that surpasses all understanding. Please!

‘"Well, mind and hold tight by my shaggy coat, and then there's nothing to fear," said the Bear, so she rode a long, long way’  Illustration by Kay Nielsen in East of the sun and west of the moon (1914), (198 x 150 mm), Alexander Turnbull Library, qRPr HODD NIEL 1914.

‘”Well, mind and hold tight by my shaggy coat, and then there’s nothing to fear,” said the Bear, so she rode a long, long way’
Illustration by Kay Nielsen in East of the sun and west of the moon (1914), (198 x 150 mm), Alexander Turnbull Library, qRPr HODD NIEL 1914.

I woke up this morning surprised as how rested I felt. But then my mind woke up too.

With extraordinary relentless speed and accuracy it recycled my current catalogue of concern. No job. No money.  Too distracted to write.

With it’s ‘two for the price of one’  opportunism it resurrected items from my back catalogue as well. Too fat. Too stupid, Too old. Too blah.   It’s all over.

Then like a faint signal from another universe the phrase  ‘…the .peace that surpasses all understanding’  broke through this mind attack.

As a result of rigorous and extensive research (Google and Wikipedia, 15 mins tops) I discovered this phrase was a fragment of a letter—a very, very long letter—from Paul to the Philippians.

I got so caught up in this exercise that I forgot my worldly concerns. A peace that surpasses all understanding descended.

Forget positive thinking, mindfulness and radical self acceptance.  Aim for a peace that surpasses all understanding despite your present circumstances.

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Filed under Creative writing, Peace, Treat yourself